The Patron Saint of Infertility

Since I started trying to make a baby over a year ago, everyone has had two or three cents worth of advice - my favorite being "relax." Thanks Frankie Goes to Hollywood. I have a low stress job, minimal worries, I do yoga and exercise. If I were any more relaxed, I would be comatose.

My mother has been most prolific with advice: relax, try harder, don't try so hard, it will happen when God wants it, ask God to help. So when I am not relaxingly trying hard to ask God to help me not try so hard, she recommends I say novenas to various saints and promise naming rights to the most effective one. So far, my child will not be named Gerard, Charlene, Rita, Jude, Ann or Mary. (Yes I will try anything.)

Having given up on Our Lady of Wasted Months, I have turned to science. I have enlisted the assistance of a reproductive endocrinologist and am starting my clomid and IUI cycles this month. I am hoping that this will do the trick. I am not thrilled with having to resort to medical intervention, but as I said, I will try anything. If it works and it is a boy, I think I will name him Reproductive Associates. It has a nice ring, doesn't it?

In the meantime I am planning to relax.


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